  Constituents of Sri Aurobindo University

At present, the University consists of -- Learner, Counselor, Library and the Office. The pattern of working will be that of an open university with distance learning methodology.


To be a learner of the University one has to apply in a prescribed form which will be available in the office.
Those who wish to take up a serious study of life and its activities in the Light of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother will be accepted as a student of Sri Aurobindo and a 'Learner' of this University. A list of subjects is being prepared from which the learner may choose one; or he may take up a subject of his liking, which of course has to be approved by the University. The learner may be at any distance but continue to study the selected topic with the help of the counselor. Once in a year a contact (meeting) of all the Learners and Counselors will be arranged at Sri Aurobindo Shreekshetra, Dalijoda to have a broad based exchange of views on the selected topics. With the instruction and help of the counselor, the learner will arrange all the required study materials.


The learner of the Unversity will choose his/her own Counselor or may request the office to select one for him/her.

The Counselors of this University are expected to be aware of the writings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. They should be able to guide the thought process of the learner and mould his perceptions towards the Vision of a New World. Practically it will be a joint venture of the counselor and the learner to navigate through the ocean of Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts.

The Counselor should collect all required references on the selected subject and help the learner to write the thesis. He will be in constant touch with the learner through the office. The thesis, prepared by the learner with help of the Counselor, will be sent, by the University for review, to a reviewer who is well versed on the subject. The final acceptance of the thesis will depend on the assessment by the board of the University.

Once in a year, all the Counselors will come together at Dalijoda and exchange their views on the purpose and working of the University.


There is a proposal to build a central Library at Dalijoda with all modern facilities This will have collections of all the writings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, the writings of other persons on Them and all references like published papers , articles etc on the subject. The arrangement will be made for the learners to consult the library by staying at Sri Aurobindo Srikshetra, Dalijoda

At the same time all the Relics Centres and Integral Schools will be requested to upgrade their library facilities subject-wise. For example a centre will be requested to equip their library with all literature on Human Unity, so that the student who is carrying out his research on Human Unity will get all help from this unit. In this way a decentralized empire of reference libraries will be established throughout the state. Learners can use this facility by producing the Sri Auribindo University registration card of membership.

Office and Functioning

Babaji Maharaj and Prapatti always dreamt of a University at Sri Aurobindo Shreekshetra, Dalijoda. With profound regards to their wish, the Head Office of the University shall be at Sri Aurobindo Shreekshetra, Dalijoda. It will be gradually equipped with all modern facilities of communication.

All Zonal organisers, District Organisers along with special invitees will constitute the prime body of the University. They will ensure and guard the University, against becoming a seat of intellectual superiority divorced from the spirit of Sadhana. Once a year they will come together to pass the audited accounts and discuss lines of further action.

The referral person of the University will be called the Convenor who will work by the instruction of the Vice-Chairman. A working group will carry out the day-to-day activities of the University.

The office will be in contact with the students, guide and help them to solve their problems if any.

The University will accept donations from all persons sharing its thought and aspirations.