Army Of Light
The caption 'Army of Light' has been adapted from Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri
'Only were safe who kept God in their hearts:
Courage their armour, faith their sword, they must walk,
The hand ready to smite, the eye to scout,
Casting a javelin regard in front,
Heroes and soldiers of the army of Light.'
The members of the Army of Light are those who aspire to be the instruments of The Mother to fight against the darkness and falsehood of the world by adorning the powerful weapons – the Name of the Mother and faith and reliance on Her.
The aim of Army of Light is to prepare the students and youth as the organisers of The Mother's Work. Two things are required for this – first clarity of the Ideal and secondly a firm resolve to adopt it as well as constantly be conscious of it as the one aim in life.
Clarity of the Ideal implies the clear understanding of the aim of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and how categorically it differs from other paths, the specialty of the method of Sadhana followed.
For this group Mother's Work is the sole occupation – not just the sole pre-occupation. The aim is the commitment at Her Feet to dedicate the entire life for Her service.
More and more Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centres are opening units of Army of Light in their schools where the students are being sensitized to become members. In every district there is a district convener for Army of Light who looks after the organisation of this wing in the district.
Annually a state level training camp for the members of Army of Light is conducted at Matrubhaban for which a syllabus has been structured