Sri Aurobindo Unit of Agriculture
As because the aim of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is to transform mundane life to the status of the Spirit, we can not neglect that, which sustains material life, the field of agriculture.
There is a difference between life organised by mind and that of higher consciousness. A series of experiments and research are to be made in the field of agriculture, in the production of food, as the requirement and quality of food gradually change according to the need of the body that comes more and more under the influence of Supramental Consciousness.
There is also a clear cut reference to developing agriculture in Sri Aurobindo's own words:
"We must now turn to the one field of work in this direction which we have most neglected, the field of agriculture"
"If we train our young men to go back to the fields … They will be able to become mentors, leaders, and examples to the village population… the problem is urgent in its call for a solution…" - Sri Aurobindo March 6, 1908.
This particular message inspires us to have 'Agriculture' as one of the doors to enter the society - taking Sri Aurobindo Unit of Agriculture as a channel for The Mother and Sri Aurobindo's Force and Will to manifest in this important domain.
In Orissa some study circles have their own land that contributes to their sustenance. One of the current approaches is to use organic manures instead of chemical manures in the fields.
At Sri Aurobindo Shrikshetra, Dalijoda, has been a perfect example towards this objective, as it uses organic farming techniques in its fields along the lines of Gloria farm of the Ashram.