The July tour has its own history that started in 1984, when Sri Madhusudan Mishra proposed
before Babaji Maharaj to visit all the districts of Orissa and interact with the Sri Aurobindo Study Circle
organisers to keep track with their activities and to inspire and get inspired. With the approbation from
Babaji Maharaj Madhusudan Mishra and Bhajakrushna Sahu took up this work completing 13 districts of Orissa in 30days.
The visit report was presented to Babaji Maharaj in a note book on 14th of August, his birthday.
When Madhusudan Mishra settled in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Anadi Charan Swain and Bhajakrushna Sahu continued the same work.
This went on up to 1998 when Babaji Maharaj left his body. For the purpose of continuation of the organisational work in
Orissa an 'All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle Committee' was formed with its working office at Matrubhaban Cuttack.
All the proposals, suggestions of activities are placed before the organisers and members of Sri Aurobindo Study Circles,
who come from all parts of Orissa during every April Conference(4th to 7th April) for their interaction and approval.
In 2001, by the organisers of Sri Aurobindo Study Circles of Orissa, a proposal was approved,
in the April conference to visit all the districts, in the month of July, which were now 30 from the year 1992
and the dates of the meeting were fixed for each district.
The final meeting in July is always preceded by a preparatory meeting of the organisers of the district locally and
they finalise the programme of the year which would be declared in the July meet.
We offer our deep gratitude to ‘Dada’, Sri Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, who not only inspires but helps,
guides and supports at every step of The Mother's Work in Orissa.